Over 40 years of experience in the field of safety -
Lectures, investigations, expert opinions for courts, and professional audits.
An assessment providing a hazard survey and professional risk management, enabling the plant safety officer to utilize its results for safety and system improvements.
Focusing on analyzing work processes, developing risk management strategies, and recommending risk mitigation measures to ensure maximum safety and protection.
Implementing a proactive approach to identify fire hazards, both active and passive, and relying on human intervention for detection and control. Assessing employee competency and recommending preventive measures, training, and procedure development.
An expert witness review of a traffic accident, including a comprehensive examination of the case file and evidence, with the goal of providing an expert opinion to rebut the prosecution's case, reduce charges, or secure an acquittal.
Polygraph examinations utilize scientific methods to measure physiological responses, often referred to as "lie detector tests." These assessments can be used to provide individuals with a means to support their claims and are frequently employed by investigators to obtain initial clues about suspects.
Building models for effective and efficient enforcement and safety education, starting at an early age, by analyzing accident data, evaluating the performance of police officers and volunteers, and producing reports to enhance road safety.
We offer a variety of safety services, such as Safety training sessions, lectures, expert opinions, safety audits, and polygraph examinations. By doing so, we provide you with all the necessary knowledge in the most efficient and effective manner, delivered by the best experts in the field and tailored to your specific needs.
בטיחות תמיד בראש מעמידה מגוון רחב של אנשי מקצוע מתחומים רבים, יוצאי כוחות הביטחון, עם ניסיון רב בעולמות הביטחון, הבטיחות, החקירות וההדרכה.
רובם קצינים מדרגות זוטרות ועד דרגות בכירות ובעלי תארים.
מנכ"ל החברה, הוד לק, מחזיק בתעודות: B.A במנהל עסקים, M.A בניהול חינוכי עם עבודת מחקר על בטיחות בדרכים ו-PHD במנהל ציבורי עם עבודת דוקטורט יוצאת דופן וייחודית הבוחנת האם קיים קשר בין אכיפת המשטרה לבין מספר תאונות הדרכים על פני תקופה של שני עשורים.